You are here: Visual Guidance > Vehicle setup > Creating a new vehicle

Creating a new vehicle

Create a new profile for the vehicle in which the console is installed. To create a new profile for the vehicle:

  1. Select Vehicle / New.

A list of preset vehicle models is displayed. If available, the model templates will contain information regarding dimensions and standard steering parameters.

The values may be modified for the specific vehicle, tyre sizes etc. when confirming the geometry in the following section.

The steering parameters determine how the vehicle responds to the guidance system and can be adjusted more precisely later on, with the procedure described in the relative chapter. If the steering behaviour is still unsatisfactory after completing the setup procedure and optimised the autosteer function, contact your dealer.

Select the vehicle manufacturer. Use the scroll bar to view the complete list. If the required manufacturer is not available, select the manufacturer that most closely resembles the vehicle in use. Select Other if none of the available choices are suitable.

Note: Select to access the next folder level up.

  1. Select the vehicle model and confirm.
  2. To change the name, select VEHICLE NAME, enter the name and confirm.
  3. Confirm the new vehicle. The vehicle geometry screen is displayed.
Vehicle personalisation

If Other is selected from the Vehicle Model screen, the system displays a list of generic vehicle models, with information on the basic vehicle and steering parameters.

  1. Select Other. A list of steering controllers is displayed.
  • ACU-1: Autosteer controller unit
  • Electric steering wheel: high precision electric autosteer
  • AF: AutoFarm® valve block
  • RST: Raven SmarTrax™ valve
  • Other: Other autosteer controller
  1. Choose from the list and confirm. A list of generic vehicle types is displayed.
  2. Use the arrows to select the model closest to the vehicle used and confirm.
  3. To change the name, select VEHICLE NAME, enter the name and confirm.
  4. Confirm the new vehicle. The vehicle geometry screen is displayed.